Translations still under review

triennial plan
This plan presents 6 strategic objectives that summarize the goals desired by the current Bureau for the period 2019-2022. Each Strategic Objective has several Strategic Actions that together will contribute to each goal being achieved. To this, we indicate the Activities necessary for the Actions to be executed, within each year of mandate, of the current Bureau. Each Activity has a Bureau officer and an executive team, who, with the support of other members, must conduct the necessary work.
Expand the capacity for international representativeness of ICOFORT through the decentralization of actions and incentive to regional and local initiatives
Raise funds to support projects and actions of the triennial plan of ICOFORT
Expand the World Society's interest in Fortified and Military Heritage and the participation of members in ICOFORT discussions and activities
Act collaboratively through the establishment and strengthening of networks with institutions, researchers, professionals and ICOFORT members
Develop a continuous improvement process to streamline the management of ICOFORT so that the objectives of this plan are achieved
To continue with the activities and projects initiated during the management of the previous Bureau
strategic objective 01
1.1 Create, regulate and promote ICOFORT Regional Subcommittees
Activities and Projects
1.1.1 Choose coordinators for regional subcommittees => Bureau Member Responsible: José Claudio dos Santos
1.1.2 Conduct the creation of the Asia and Pacific Subcommittee as a model project
1.1.3 Advise coordinators in structuring other regional subcommittees based on learning obtained in the creation of the Subcommittee of Asia and Pacific
1.1.4 Complete the structuring processes of regional subcommittees
1.2 Regulate and promote ICOFORT local groups
Activities and Projects
1.2.1 Map groups of ICOFORT members who act coordinately as a team in their countries
1.2.2 Create a normative process for approving the creation and operation of new local groups
1.2.3 Encourage the creation of new local member groups
1.2.4 Encourage the relationship between local groups and ICOMOS/National Scientific Committees on Fortifications and Military Heritage
1.2.5 Encourage the integration and coordination of work between local groups and regional subcommittees
1.3 Create scientific research groups in the various areas of knowledge related to Fortified and Military Heritage
Activities and Projects
1.3.1 Prepare an initial proposal for thematic areas for each research groups (the proposal may be the result of prior online research with all members)
1.3.2 Send call to raise volunteer members in creating and leading thematic research groups within ICOFORT
1.3.3 Define with the Bureau who will be the leaders of research groups
1.3.4 Define with group leaders the scientific research lines and initial work plan
1.3.5 Create an online directory for scientific publications of members and research groups
1.3.6 Study the feasibility of being created an online journal to disseminate the production of research groups
1.3.7 If feasible, create an online journal for ICOFORT
1.3.8 Encourage Research Groups to hold academic events and publications to discuss and disseminate the production of their members
1.4 Create a Technical Advisory Board composed of ex-presidents, ex-vice presidents and ex-secretaries-general to give their opinion on high-level topics at the request of the ICOFORT Bureau
Activities and Projects
1.4.1 Submit the proposal to the presidents of the previous Bureaus
1.4.2 Officialising the creation of the board
1.5 Create a multidisciplinary advisory subcommittee to analyze the admission of new members and for monitoring and upgrading members
Activities and Projects
1.5.1 Objectively define the criteria for classifying member categories
1.5.2 Define the areas of expertise
1.5.3 Invite members to compose the subcommittee
1.5.4 Create the subcommittee
strategic objective 2
2.1 Establish contact and partnerships with the World Heritage Center and other international organizations of cultural and natural heritage
Activities and Projects
2.1.1 Map recent contacts, initiatives or partnerships made by the previous Bureau
2.1.2 Define and establish priority contacts
2.1.3 Coordinate partnerships and initiatives generated
2.2 Establish partnerships with other ICOMOS/ISC
Activities and Projects
2.2.1 Map recent contacts, initiatives or partnerships made by the previous Bureau
2.2.2 Define and establish priority contacts
2.2.3 Coordinate partnerships and initiatives generated
2.3 Participate, actively, in ICOMOS activities, events and campaigns
Activities and Projects
2.3.1 Monitor ICOMOS activities, events and campaigns and
2.3.2 Plan / propose ICOFORT participation in ICOMOS events
2.4 Establish contact and relationship with ICOMOS/National Scientific Committees on Fortifications and Military Heritage
Activities and Projects
2.4.1 Establish contact initially with ICOMOS National Committees
2.4.2 Establish contact with ICOMOS/National Scientific Committees on Fortifications and Military Heritage
2.5 Establish partnerships with local government agencies for projects and research on management, conservation, interpretation and reuse of fortified and military heritage, with emphasis on Local and Community Development
Activities and Projects
2.5.1 Map recent contacts, initiatives or partnerships made by the previous Bureau
2.5.2 Develop methodology for an advisory program in Cultural Management of Fortified Heritage and Military Heritage for Development for Local Communities aimed at public managers and community leaders
2.5.3 Compose groups of members interested in participating as teachers or advisers in the program
2.5.4 Disseminate and make available information about the program on the ICOFORT website and produce information material for Regional Coordinators and members
2.5.5 Establish and coordinate the requested partnerships
2.6 Encourage interaction between ICOFORT members of different continents
Activities and Projects
2.6.1 Create tools for online interaction between members
2.6.2 Encourage participation in ICOFORT Research Groups (according to strategic action n ° 1.3)
2.7 Expand membership representation in Arab States
Activities and Projects
2.7.1 Map members and non-members of ICOMOS in the region that act as researchers or professionals in the areas of knowledge and interest of ICOFORT
2.7.2 Invite mapped researchers and professionals to learn about ICOFORT activities and join as members
2.8 Expand membership representation in Africa
Activities and Projects
2.8.1 Map members and non-members of ICOMOS in the region that act as researchers or professionals in the areas of knowledge and interest of ICOFORT
2.8.2 Invite mapped researchers and professionals to learn about ICOFORT activities and join as members
2.9 Expand membership representation in Asia and the Pacific
Activities and Projects
2.9.1 Map members and non-members of ICOMOS in the region that act as researchers or professionals in the areas of knowledge and interest of ICOFORT
2.9.2 Invite mapped researchers and professionals to learn about ICOFORT activities and join as members
strategic objective 3
3.1 Develop fundraising processes and obtain funds that allow the financing of ICOFORT activities
Activities and Projects
3.1.1 Develop programs, and campaigns, to raise funds from international and national organizations
3.1.2 Develop programs, and campaigns, to raise funds obtained by ICOFORT on its own initiative, such as revenue from publications and other
3.1.3 Develop programs, and campaigns, to raise funds from any other source provided as a gift, legacy, donation or sponsorship
3.2 Institutionally support members, subcommittees and working groups or research in the search for financial resources from projects of thematic interest of ICOFORT
Activities and Projects
2.2.1 Map recent contacts, initiatives or partnerships made by the previous Bureau
2.2.2 Define and establish priority contacts
2.2.3 Coordinate partnerships and initiatives generated
2.3 Participate, actively, in ICOMOS activities, events and campaigns
Activities and Projects
2.3.1 Monitor ICOMOS activities, events and campaigns and
2.3.2 Plan / propose ICOFORT participation in ICOMOS events
2.4 Establish contact and relationship with ICOMOS/National Scientific Committees on Fortifications and Military Heritage
Activities and Projects
2.4.1 Establish contact initially with ICOMOS National Committees
2.4.2 Establish contact with ICOMOS/National Scientific Committees on Fortifications and Military Heritage
2.5 Establish partnerships with local government agencies for projects and research on management, conservation, interpretation and reuse of fortified and military heritage, with emphasis on Local and Community Development
Activities and Projects
2.5.1 Map recent contacts, initiatives or partnerships made by the previous Bureau
2.5.2 Develop methodology for an advisory program in Cultural Management of Fortified Heritage and Military Heritage for Development for Local Communities aimed at public managers and community leaders
2.5.3 Compose groups of members interested in participating as teachers or advisers in the program
2.5.4 Disseminate and make available information about the program on the ICOFORT website and produce information material for Regional Coordinators and members
2.5.5 Establish and coordinate the requested partnerships
2.6 Encourage interaction between ICOFORT members of different continents
Activities and Projects
2.6.1 Create tools for online interaction between members
2.6.2 Encourage participation in ICOFORT Research Groups (according to strategic action n ° 1.3)
2.7 Expand membership representation in Arab States
Activities and Projects
2.7.1 Map members and non-members of ICOMOS in the region that act as researchers or professionals in the areas of knowledge and interest of ICOFORT
2.7.2 Invite mapped researchers and professionals to learn about ICOFORT activities and join as members
2.8 Expand membership representation in Africa
Activities and Projects
2.8.1 Map members and non-members of ICOMOS in the region that act as researchers or professionals in the areas of knowledge and interest of ICOFORT
2.8.2 Invite mapped researchers and professionals to learn about ICOFORT activities and join as members
2.9 Expand membership representation in Asia and the Pacific
Activities and Projects
2.9.1 Map members and non-members of ICOMOS in the region that act as researchers or professionals in the areas of knowledge and interest of ICOFORT
2.9.2 Invite mapped researchers and professionals to learn about ICOFORT activities and join as members