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Fortified News의 일부 기사는 여전히 영어로만 제공됩니다.



ICOFORT makes its second call to contribute to the project Monumental Inventory on Fortifications.

After the success of the first call, it was made during 2020 aimed at the Fortifications of the Regions of America, on this occasion, the call is extended to all the Regions according to the ICOFORT Committee; Arab Countries Region, Asia and the Pacific Region, Europe Region, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Africa Region, and North America Region (United States and Canada).

The project also seeks to document the effects of Climate Change on Fortifications and Military Heritage, for which a list of possible effects has been prepared, although it is not exhaustive. Any other additional will be highly appreciated as potential indicatives applicable along with its effect on Structures, Landscape, Social / Cultural Impact on Fortifications and Military Heritage for the purpose of greater understanding and action regarding both losses and damages. as well as identifying the level of impact, and possible mitigation measures in an effort to protect this fragile heritage against a changing climate.

Fortified monuments already declared World Heritage and fortified monuments declared heritage of each country may be registered in the inventory, even if they are not included in the indicative list of world heritage.

Likewise, as the ICOFORT Monumental Inventory Project on Fortifications also seeks among its objectives to identify Monuments that need further documentary and archaeological research for their enhancement, any fortified monument of interest will be welcome to the inventory, even if they do not have any declaration. of protection or of previous patrimonial value.

You may please respond to this call by sending any questions, or the Inventory Form to the email:, no later than December 10, 2021.


José Claudio Dos Santos Júnior ​​I​COFORT President

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