In this pandemic era of continuos changes we are daily facing new challenges and new ways of stayed connected with others. We are seeing how many people are suffering and even worst dying because of cover 19 . But, I wonder how the day after will be? Are we going to be the same after this "social isolation". How are we going to see each other again? How are going to face all this dynamic reality where we live in an radical uncertainty. And what about the cultural heritage? How can we assure the safety in the conservation work in the fortified sites? How can we protect the fortified sites that are isolated? How are doing the people who worked directly in those sites? Thinking in the day after we can also wonder ; how can we keep the interest of visitors during this lockdown? How can we reassure the safety for future visits to the sites?
Some cultural venues as museums are doing wonderful virtual tours . Other are doing drawing contests for children and animated videos among others. We certainly must be resilient and optimistic to keep our spirit high.
360 tour is great idea
Marseille night walk is great!
Estimado Colegas de ICOFORT. Comparto con ustedes la siguiente reflexion pertinente al tema.
Reflexión # 1: Rol del Patrimonio Cultural en tiempos de pandemia
Por: Milagros Flores-Román
El tema de Patrimonio en tiempos de pandemia nos permite una oportunidad de reflexión y tomar acción en cuanto a los cambios que tanto el planeta como la humanidad estarán enfrentando. Esta pandemia, que nos ha tomado ¨por sorpresa¨, y lo digo entre comillas, porque ya estos virus se conocían, algunos ya habían sido manipulados por el hombre y se tenía consciencia de su posible amenaza a la humanidad, pero eso es otro tema resulta muy amplio que amerita discusión por separado. Sencillamente nos ha adelantado una visión de esos cambios que se avecinan en nuestra sociedad y cultura. Nos ha presentado un cuadro claro de lo mal preparados que estamos para lidiar con el monstruo que se avecina.
Entonces, pienso que cada cual debe comenzar a hacer su parte. Ya algunos lo han hecho. Por ejemplo, ya el ICOMOS tiene un grupo de trabajo sobre Cambio Climático, que ha estado trabajando arduamente por más de cuatro años y hoy día contamos con directrices de influencia activa en el proceso con respecto al patrimonio cultural.
Las Pandemias están relacionadas directa e indirectamente con Cambio Climático, pero con otros contornos y pienso que similar como se ha estado haciendo con el Cambio Climático, también se trabaje directamente con el tema pandémico. El tema de las pandemias no es nuevo, ha estado entre nosotros por largo tiempo, y ha escrito ampliamente sobre el mismo. Pero que desde hace unas décadas se ha animado a cruzar fronteras convirtiéndose en amenazas mundiales con patrones más agresivos, frecuentes y hasta recurrentes.
Siendo precisamente uno de sus vehículos de transmisión, aunque no el único, uno que está relacionado directamente con el Patrimonio, el Turismo, sea cultural o como le quieran llamar. Entonces, sería un buen tema, comenzar precisamente por el turismo. En buscar opciones que permitan al patrimonio un mínimo impacto de las nubes de turistas abarrotan los monumentos, sitios arqueológicos e históricos, paisajes naturales, en fin, aquello que tantas organizaciones a nivel mundial ponen tanto esfuerzos en conservarlo pero que a la hora de la verdad como ahora, salta a la vista la inefectividad. Ese patrimonio, que en tiempo de aislamiento como el que vivimos en estos momentos, si ya hubiésemos tenido medidas diseñadas para casos como estos, ese patrimonio cultural podría haber sido un recurso de solaz mental y espiritual. Sabemos que el patrimonio cultural y natural son fuente de paz, inspiración, y sanación en muchos casos. Como no estábamos preparados, en estos momentos que tanto ansiamos visitar un monumento, o maravillarnos con un paisaje, o con obras de arte, o música de conciertos, la única medida que tenemos a nuestro alcance en aislarlo de nosotros, en lugar de estar disponible para nosotros. Si, es una ecuación difícil, como poner el patrimonio cultural y natural a nuestro alcance y servicio en tiempos de aislamiento. Si, he visto que de repente, todos los días nos aparecen museos con ofertas de visitas virtuales a sus colecciones, y libros digitalizados, y así muchos otros. Pero, la pregunta es, a que publico va dirigido esas opciones, a los que estamos en casa y tenemos disponible un ordenador. ¿Y a los demás?, que les estamos ofreciendo?,
Entonces, pienso que ha quedado claro, que o lo que hemos estado haciendo no está funcionando, o en realidad no sabemos lo que estamos haciendo, en cuyo caso, ser humilde y admitirlo seria y buen primer paso. Pero también pienso, que los especialista en patrimonio podrían beneficiarse de los no especialistas, que se tomara en cuenta esta otra perspectiva. Sería interesante consultar con todos estos, que ahora nos llevan sobre sus hombros en estos momentos de pandemia, la enfermera, el doctor, los empleados de limpieza, los que abastecen los supermercados, el farmacéutico. Esos que hemos visto en la internet sollozando en un rincón porque la carga les resulta muy pesada y darían cualquier cosa por no estar ahí, por estar en otro lugar, que les brindara paz. Ellos de manera practica y simple, son los que están enfrentando el monstruo en estos momentos. Seamos sensatos y preguntémosle, pidámosle sugerencias, escuchemos sus palabras llanas y sin retoricas, palabras simples, pero sobre todo sabias; ¿díganos, señor empleado del supermercado, cuéntenos, señora enfermera, como piensa usted que nuestros monumentos, nuestros paisajes, nuestras maravillas históricas y naturales podrían servirle de apoyo emocional en estos momentos?
Reflection # 1: Role of Cultural Heritage in times of pandemic
By: Milagros Flores-Román
The theme of Heritage in times of pandemic, allows us an opportunity to reflect and act regarding the changes that both the planet and humanity will be facing. This pandemic, which has taken us "by surprise", and I say this in quotes, because these viruses were already known, some had already been manipulated by man and they were aware of their possible threat to humanity, but that is another matter. It is overly broad and merits separate discussion. We have simply been given a vision of these coming changes in our society and culture. It has presented us with a clear picture of how poorly prepared we are to deal with the looming monster.
So, I think that everyone should start doing their part. Some have already done so. For example, ICOMOS already has a working group on Climate Change, which has been working hard for more than four years and today we have guidelines for active influence in the process regarding cultural heritage.
Pandemics are directly and indirectly related to Climate Change, but with other areas and I think that similar to how it has been done with Climate Change, we also work directly with the pandemic issue. The topic of pandemics is not new, it has been with us for a long time, and it has written extensively on it. But that for a few decades has been encouraged to cross borders becoming global threats with more aggressive, frequent, and even recurring patterns.
Being precisely one of its transmission vehicles, although not the only one, one that is related to Heritage, Tourism, whether cultural or whatever you want to call it. So, it would be a good topic, starting precisely with tourism. In search of options that allow heritage to have a minimal impact from the clouds of tourists, the monuments, archaeological and historical sites, natural landscapes, in short, are filled with what many organizations worldwide put so much effort into preserving but that at the moment of truth as now, ineffectiveness is obvious. That heritage, that in times of isolation like the one we are living in at the moment, if we had already had measures designed for cases like these, that cultural heritage could have been a mental and spiritual resource of solace. We know that cultural and natural heritage are a source of peace, inspiration, and healing in many cases. Since we were not prepared, in these moments that we are so anxious to visit a monument, or marvel at a landscape, or with works of art, or concert music, the only measure we have at our disposal to isolate it from us, instead of being available for us. Yes, it is a difficult equation, like putting cultural and natural heritage within our reach and service in times of isolation. Yes, I have seen that suddenly, museums appear to us every day with offers of virtual visits to their collections, and digitized books, and many others. But the question is, to whom do those options go, to those of us who are at home and have a computer available. And to others? What are we offering them?
So, I think it has become clear that either what we have been doing is not working, or we do not really know what we are doing, in which case, being humble and admitting it seriously and a good first step. But I also think that heritage specialists could benefit from non-specialists, that this other perspective be taken into account. It would be interesting to consult with all these, who now carry us on their shoulders in these moments of pandemic, the nurse, the doctor, the cleaning employees, those who supply the supermarkets, the pharmacist. Those that we have seen on the internet sobbing in a corner because the burden is too heavy for them and they would give anything for not being there, for being somewhere else, that would give them peace. They, in a practical and simple way, are the ones that are facing the monster right now. Let us be sensible and ask him, ask him for suggestions, listen to his plain and rhetorical words, simple words, but above all wise; Tell us, Mr. supermarket employee, tell us, nurse, how do you think our monuments, our landscapes, our historical and natural wonders could serve as emotional support for you right now?
To be continue…
My suggestion will be to include in our site virtual tours of the fortifications as a way to keep the interest on them and reach visitors during the lockdowns, as the museums are doing. We surely can not predict the future but we can move forward in these dynamics contexts.
Another suggestion is to have a virtual gallery -Not only for the official conferences- but like a repository of good examples of virtual tours all over the world. One is Old Quedec;
The only thing we know now for certain is that we are not going to be the same after this global pandemia. Human history has taught us many lessons...
Indeed, the changes will be many, drastic, and, so far, somewhat unpredictable. I believe that only at the end of the quarantine and according to what we have as a solution for the pandemic, we will be able to evaluate more safely. But we can, from now on, create hypotheses based on possible scenarios, to have this discussion advanced and already started.