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Webinar Series on Fortification and Militaruy Heritage in India

Updated: Jun 19, 2020

NSC Fort has organised a grand web based series of talks and discussion on fortification and military heritage covering almost all the regions and thematic areas of our country. The sessions shall be online between 5:30 to 7:00 every friday and saturday starting from 19th June followed by 20th, 26th, 27th and finale on 4th July.

The heritage of defense has a very different context today. The heritage of fortifications, arms and ammunitions, defense systems and architecture are being forgotten or at least not given their due diligence. Fortification are significant sources of knowledge of urban planning, natural topography, resource management, defense strategies and many more. The series shall also bring out various Regional variations and context based cases.

In addition to the opening note by the President ISC ICOFORT, ICOMOS, each session shall have a keynote lecture by eminent expert on the region/theme for the region followed by presentations by NSC members. Any questions to be asked for speakers can be sent in advance to email: The registration by zoom application (login credentials on individual posters) is limited to 100 participants and thus, the live streaming shall also be available on facebook live page of ICOMOS India:

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