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ICOFORT 2020 Call for Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators - extended deadline February 18, 2020

This message is to initiate the ICOFORT Call for Candidates to serve -as ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators in compliance with ICOFORT Bylaws August 31, 2019:

(9) Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators

Designated up to six Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators as appointed by the Bureau.

In accordance to regions: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, North America (USA and Canada), Latin America and the Caribbean Regions;

Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators; following ICOFORT’s Bureau guidelines and maintaining constant and close communication with the ICOFORT’s Bureau, the main responsibilities of ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators is to assist on the recruitment of new members among the regions, to spread the voice regarding what ICOFORT is and what is its mission, based on the Triennial Plan as indicated by ICOFORT Bureau. Implementation of ICOFORT’s decisions and Triennial Work Plan, implementation of ICOFORT’s operations under the valid principles and ethical Statements adopted and applied by ICOMOS for the operation of its ISCs.

The Bureau will send out to all members including Experts and Associate including Emerging Professionals per each ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committee Coordinator vacancy when the need. The Bureau will evaluate all candidate’s application submission and make a final selection. The ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committee Coordinator must be a permanent resident from the region they are applying for. Only official members of ICOMOS in good standing will be considered for selections as ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committee Coordinators.

Selected Candidates must maintain their membership in good standing during the full 3 years term of the position. The position is open to all ICOFORT members (voting and non-voting members) as long they are in current status as members of ICOMOS and with good membership status.

In case of the election of a non-voting member as an ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committee Coordinator, his or her voting status will remain the same.

Being selected as an ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committee Coordinator will not grant rights as a voting member. Applicants are expected to be able to effectively communicate in English in addition to their native language;

The main responsibilities of ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators is by following ICOFORT’s Bureau guidelines and maintaining constant and close communication with the ICOFORT’s Bureau is:

-to assist on the recruitment of new members among the regions,

-to spread the voice regarding what ICOFORT is and what is its mission, based on the Triennial Plan as indicated by ICOFORT Bureau.

-Implementation of ICOFORT’s decisions and Triennial Work Plan,

-implementation of ICOFORT’s operations under the valid principles and ethical Statements adopted and applied by ICOMOS for the operation of its ISCs.

This Announcement calls for candidates for the positions ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators for: Africa, Arab States, Europe, North America (USA and Canada), Latin America and the Caribbean Regions.

No call will be sent to the Asia and the Pacific vacancy because a subcommittee for that region is already underway. The Asia and the Pacific Subcommittee will be a pilot project and model for others that will be created by the new coordinators.

Requirement for ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators:

The position is open to all ICOFORT members (voting and non-voting members) as long they are in current status as members of ICOMOS and with good standing status (2020 membership paid).

Regional Coordinators must be a permanent resident from the region they are applying for. In compliance with ICOFORT 2019 Bylaws, the Bureau will evaluate all candidates and will be announced a final decision during early February 2020. Only official members of ICOMOS in good standing will be considered for selections as ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committees Coordinators. Selected Candidates must maintain their membership in good standing during the full term of the position (2019-2022). Note: In case of the election of a non-voting member as a Regional Coordinator, his or her voting status will remain the same. Being selected as a Regional Coordinator will not grant rights as a voting member. Applicants are expected to be able to effectively communicate in English in addition to their native language.

How to apply:

If you would like to stand for any of the above positions please send by February 18, 2020, to , a one page containing the following information: your name, address and contact information, the ICOFORT Regional Sub-Committee Coordinator Position you are standing for, a short bio, your interest and experience relevant to this committee, and a short statement of the vision you have for the contribution you would offer to ICOFORT in the next three years term (2019-2022).

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4 Σχόλια

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Petra Good Reese
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